The worlds largest online collection of high quality blank wall scrolls and blank paper paintings for writing calligraphy, Sumi-e or watercolor art at very reasonable prices. We also offer custom art mounting services and can create custom blank paper scrolls and paintings to your exact specifications, contact us for a quote.

All Orders Ship Directly from Our Warehouse in the United States

All orders placed on the Blank Wall Scrolls website ship directly from our warehouse in Merritt Island, Florida. Most orders ship within one or two business days.

Worlds Largest Collection of Blank Wall Scrolls

Buy blank Chinese scrolls from the largest selection of blank wall scrolls in the world. You can even have custom scrolls created in virtually any size or color you desire. All of our blank wall scrolls are made in China by master artisans with generations of experience.

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New Products For February

Chinese Scroll Repair Service

We employ the finest artisans in China to perform your scroll repair, carefully selecting the best artisan for your particular project. Visit the Chinese Scroll Repair page for more details on our Chinese wall scroll repair service and to get a quote.

Custom Art Mounting Services - Custom art mounting services allowing you to have your finished artworks mounted on scrolls, or prepared for framing.

Custom Blank Wall Scrolls - High quality blank wall scrolls designed to your specification and made in-house by our master artisans.

Chinese Wall Scroll Care Guide

Modern Blank Wall Scrolls

Wet Mounted Traditional Blank Chinese Wall Scroll

The #1 Supplier of High Quality Blank Wall Scrolls in the World

It took us years to find the finest Chinese artisans to create the products offered on this site. We employ several professional scroll makers who create our blank paper scrolls for us. We are careful to choose the best artisan for each project depending on the type, size and number of blank wall scrolls ordered. Our custom wall scrolls are made by the same artisans who mount Chinese calligraphy and brush paintings sold on our other Chinese art sites.

Visit the Customer Testimonials page to read for yourself what our customers think about our blank paper scrolls and art mounting services.

A Blank Wall Scroll Was Used to Paint This Chinese Landscape Painting

This is a perfect example of what can be done with the blank wall scrolls we offer. An artist painted a stunning Chinese landscape painting on one of our scrolls and I think you will agree the results are fantastic. Although there are many colors to choose from this particular painting was bordered with red silk to draw even more attention to this gorgeous painting. This painting is the first thing you notice when you walk into the room where it is hanging.


What Type of Blank Wall Scroll Should You Buy?

One of the artisans who makes our scrolls uses the traditional wet mounting process, the other uses a modern technique. There are major differences between these two processes, one is cost and the other is the ability to remove an artwork from the scroll and remount it.

Scrolls Made Using the Wet Mounting Process

Scrolls made using the traditional wet mounting process require much more time to create, thus are more expensive. However, paintings mounted on a traditional Chinese wall scroll can be removed and remounted, making them more suitable for fine artworks. It is possible to write or painting directly on these blank wall scrolls, but we do not recommend this. It is much better if you paint on a suitable rice paper and then mount the rice paper onto the scrolls afterwards.

Pros and Cons of a Wet Mounted Scroll:

  • Scroll is made in a traditional manner, paintings can be removed and remounted.
  • Inks will absorb into the rice paper in a more natural manner, due to the fact the rice paper is mounted on the wall scroll using a natural water based glue.
  • These wall scrolls are not as flat or smooth, they do not appear as finished.
  • While it is possible to write or paint directly on this scroll, because they are created using a wet mounting process, it is possible the rice paper will detach if you paint directly on the scroll. Since the ink will often bleed through the first layer of rice paper, if the painting must be removed you may need to mount it onto another blank scroll.

Blank Wall Scrolls Made Using Heat Sensitive Glue

Scrolls made using the modern mounting process use a new type of heat sensitive glue to make the scroll and mount the rice paper onto the blank wall scroll. This process is permanent, the painting will be very hard, if not impossible to remove at a later date. The modern blank wall scrolls are a little cheaper, have a much more "finished" look and are more suitable for writing and painting on.

Pros and Cons of a Modern Wall Scroll:

  • Scroll has a much more finished look, they are very flat and smooth.
  • This type of blank wall scroll is cheaper, as they take less time to create.
  • The rice paper will seldom detach when writing or painting directly on this scroll, so long as you do not use too much water in your ink or get the scroll too wet.
  • This process uses a synthetic glue, which means ink will not absorb into the rice paper as readily as with a wet mounted scroll. If the type of artwork you are creating requires the ink bleed in a more natural manner you should create the artwork on rice paper, then mount it onto the wall scroll after the painting is completely dry.
  • This type of painting is permanent, it is difficult if not impossible to remove the rice paper from these blank wall scrolls. If the artwork is damaged and requires remounting, you may destroy the artwork while attempting to remove it. I have successfully removed a painting from this type of scroll, but more often than not I have destroyed them.

Still Confused How to Choose a Blank Wall Scroll?

If you still do not know how to choose the right scroll for your purposes you may contact us by phone or email to get answers to all of your questions. We try our best to reply to emails in 24 hours or less (excluding weekends and holidays). We may be busy helping another customer when you call, if so please leave a voice mail and let us know your name, phone number the best time to return your call.

When you need blank wall scrolls, there is only one choice,

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